Our timelines



This timeline presents the chronology of Crusades

History of Jerusalem

(with 1 animated map)

History of Jerusalem

This timeline presents the chronology of the history of Jerusalem throughout its transformations and historical development, from the City of David to the current day, and its domination by Persians, Greeks, Romans, Christians and Muslims.

Territorial history of the United States

(with 4 animated maps)

Territorial history of the United States

This timeline presents the chronology of territorial advances across the North American continent towards the west, including dates of accession to the United States by new states and major events marking the history of the American nation.

World War I

(with 5 animated maps)

World War I

This timeline presents the chronology of the most important phases in the First World War including dates of major battles and the development of military situations on the various fronts.

Europe and Nations from 1815 to the present

(with 3 animated maps)

Europe and Nations from 1815 to the present

This timeline presents the chronology of changes in the political landscape of Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries: creation of new nations, changes in frontiers, movement of populations.